Google Cloud Monitoring Metrics

Metric Type
Display Name
Kind, Type, Unit Description


Metric prefixes

All metrics listed below are prefixed with except for the metrics that are also listed in the associated Stackdriver Agent Migration page. If the collector is installed on the Kafka host system, the metrics listed there will be prefixed with

Google Cloud Monitoring Metrics
Active controllers
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe number of active controllers in the cluster.
CPU Process Load
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %CPU load from the Kafka processes.
CPU System Load
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %CPU load of the server.
Error Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ErrorsNumber of errors in responses.
Incoming Bytes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByTotal number of incoming bytes.
source_type: Outgoing data destination ('broker', 'client').
Incoming messages
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of incoming messages in all topics.
Gaining replicas
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of replicas catching up (ISR = in-sync replica).
Lagging replicas
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of replicas lagging behind (ISR = in-sync replica).
Leader elections
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of leader elections.
Stale leader elections
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of leader elections where the leader is out-of-sync.
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe current number of leaders on this broker.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of log flushes.
Memory Free Bytes
GAUGE, INT64, ByFree memory on the server.
Memory Size Bytes
GAUGE, INT64, ByTotal memory of the server.
Memory Temporary Bytes
GAUGE, INT64, ByTemporary memory used for message format conversions and decompression
Memory Utilization
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %Memory utilization of the server.
Message Conversion Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aNumber of records which required message format conversion.
Message Conversation Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, msTime in milliseconds spent on message format conversions.
Offline partitions
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe number of partitions that don’t have an active leader and are hence not writable or readable.
Outgoing Bytes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByTotal number of bytes outgoing to other systems.
source_type: Outgoing data destination ('broker', 'client').
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe current number of partitions on this broker.
Delayed purgatory requests
GAUGE, DOUBLE, RequestsThe current number of delayed requests in purgatory.
request_type: The type of request (fetch or produce).
Purgatory requests
GAUGE, DOUBLE, RequestsThe current number of requests in purgatory.
request_type: The type of the request, fetch or produce.
Maximum lag
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe maximum lag in messages between the follower and leader replicas.
Minimum fetch rate
GAUGE, DOUBLE, 1/sThe minimum rate at which the follower replicas send fetch requests to the leaders.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RequestsThe number of requests.
request_type: The type of request (fetch or produce).
Failed requests
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RequestsThe number of failed requests.
request_type: The type of request (fetch or produce).
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByThe number of bytes sent and received in all topics.
direction: Data direction, in or out.
Unreliable partitions
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aThe current number of under-replicated partitions.
Broker Count
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of brokers.
Consumer Count
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of consumers.
Producer Count
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of producers.
Assigned Partition Count
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of assigned partitions.
Average Commit Latency
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsAverage time taken for a commit request.
Average Join Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsAverage time taken for a group rejoin.
Average Sync Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsAverage time taken for a group sync.
Commit Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of commit calls.
Connection Close Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of connections closed.
Connection Count
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of connections.
Connection Create Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of new connections established.
Incoming Bytes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByTotal number of bytes read off all sockets.
I/O Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, nsTotal time the I/O thread spent performing I/O.
I/O Wait Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, nsTotal time the I/O thread spent waiting.
Average IO Wait Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsAverage length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes.
IO Time Ratio
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %Fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
IO Wait Time Ratio
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %Fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting.
Join Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of group joins.
Maximum Commit Latency
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsMaximum latency experienced during a commit.
Maximum Join Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsMaximum time spent in a single join.
Maximum Lag
GAUGE, DOUBLE, RecordsThe maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window.
Maximum Sync Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsMaximum time spent in a single sync.
Outgoing Bytes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByTotal number of outgoing bytes sent to all servers.
Request Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RequestsTotal number of requests sent.
Response Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of responses received.
Sync Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of group syncs.
Average Request Latency
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsAverage latency of requests.
Buffer Memory Available Bytes
GAUGE, INT64, ByTotal amount of buffer memory that is not being used (either unallocated or in the free list).
Buffer Memory Total Bytes
GAUGE, INT64, ByMaximum amount of buffer memory the client can use (whether or not it is currently used).
Connection Closed Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ConnectionsTotal number of connections closed.
Connection Count
GAUGE, INT64, ConnectionsNumber of connections.
Connection Created Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ConnectionsTotal number of new connections established.
Incoming Bytes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByTotal number of bytes read off all sockets.
I/O Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, nsTotal time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
I/O Wait Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, nsTotal time the I/O thread spent waiting.
Average IO Wait Time
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsAverage length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes.
IO Time Ratio
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %Fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
IO Wait Time Ratio
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %Fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting.
Maximum Request Latency
GAUGE, DOUBLE, nsMaximum latency experienced by a single request.
Outgoing Bytes
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByTotal number of outgoing bytes sent to all servers.
Record Error Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ErrorsTotal number of record sends that resulted in errors.
Record Retry Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of retried record sends.
Record Send Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RecordsTotal number of records sent.
Request Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, RequestsTotal number of requests sent.
Response Count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aTotal number of responses received.
Waiting Thread Count
GAUGE, INT64, ThreadsNumber of user threads blocked waiting for buffer memory to enqueue their records.