All Metrics



Error Count (Errors)Number of errors in responses.
Error Rate (per Second)Rate of errors.
Free Memory Size (Bytes)Free memory on the server.
HostnameHostname of the server.
Incoming Broker Data (Bytes)Amount of data incoming from other brokers.
Incoming Broker Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Rate of traffic incoming from other brokers.
Incoming Client Data (Bytes)Amount of data incoming from clients.
Incoming Client Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Rate of traffic incoming from clients.
Incoming MessagesTotal number of incoming messages.
Incoming Message Rate (per Second)Rate of incoming messages.
ISR Expansion CountNumber of in-sync replica expansions.
ISR Expansion Rate (per Second)Rate of in-sync replica expansions.
ISR Shrink CountNumber of in-sync replica shrinks.
ISR Shrink Rate (per Second)Rate of in-sync replica shrinks.
Leader Election CountNumber of leader elections.
Leader Election Rate (per Second)Rate of leader elections.
Memory Utilization (%)Memory utilization of the server.
Message Conversion CountNumber of records which required message format conversion.
Message Conversion Rate (per Second)Rate of records which required message format conversion.
Message Conversion Time (Milliseconds)Time spent on message format conversions.
Offline Partitions CountNumber of partitions that are offline.
OSOperating system of the server.
Outgoing Broker Data (Bytes)Amount of data outgoing to other brokers.
Outgoing Broker Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Rate of traffic outgoing to other brokers.
Outgoing Client Data (Bytes)Amount of data outgoing to clients.
Outgoing Client Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Rate of traffic outgoing to clients.
Partitions CountNumber of partitions.
Process CPU Load (%)CPU load from Kafka processes.
Purgatory SizeNumber of requests waiting in purgatory.
Request Count (Requests)Number of requests.
Request Rate (per Second)Rate of requests.
System CPU Load (%)CPU load of the server.
Temporary Memory Size (Bytes)Temporary memory used for message format conversions and decompression.
Total Memory Size (Bytes)Total memory of the server.
Under Replicated Partitions CountNumber of partitions that are under-replicated.


Broker CountNumber of brokers.
Consumer CountNumber of consumers.
IDID of the Kafka cluster.
Producer CountNumber of producers.
Total Incoming Message Rate (per Second)Total rate of incoming messages over all brokers in the cluster.
Total Incoming Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Total rate of incoming traffic over all brokers in the cluster from other brokers.
Total Outgoing Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Total rate of outgoing traffic over all brokers in the cluster to other brokers.
Total Request Rate (per Second)Total rate of requests over all brokers in the cluster.
VersionKafka version.


Assigned Partition CountNumber of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
Average Commit Latency (Nanoseconds)Average time taken for a commit request.
Average IO Wait Time (Nanoseconds)Average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes.
Average Join Time (Nanoseconds)Average time taken for a group rejoin.
Average Sync Time (Nanoseconds)Average time taken for a group sync.
Commit CountTotal number of commit calls.
Commit Rate (per Second)Rate of commit calls.
Connection Close CountTotal number of connections closed.
Connection Close Rate (per Second)Rate of connections closed.
Connection CountNumber of connections.
Connection Create CountTotal number of new connections established.
Connection Create Rate (per Second)Rate of connections established.
HostnameHostname of the server.
Incoming Data (Bytes)Total amount of data read off all sockets.
Incoming Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Rate of data read off all sockets.
IO Time (Nanoseconds)Total time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
IO Time Ratio (%)Fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
IO Wait Time (Nanoseconds)Total time the I/O thread spent waiting.
IO Wait Time Ratio (%)Fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting.
Join CountTotal number of group joins.
Join Rate (per Second)Rate of group joins.
Maximum Commit Latency (Nanoseconds)Maximum time taken for a commit request.
Maximum Join Time (Nanoseconds)Maximum time taken for a group rejoin.
Maximum Lag (Records)The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window.
Maximum Sync Time (Nanoseconds)Maximum time taken for a group sync.
OSOperating system of the server.
Outgoing Data (Bytes)Total amount of outgoing data sent to all servers.
Outgoing Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Total rate of outgoing data sent to all servers.
Request Count (Requests)Total number of requests sent.
Request Rate (per Second)Rate of requests sent.
Response CountTotal number of responses received.
Response Rate (per Second)Rate of responses received.
Sync CountTotal number of group syncs.
Sync Rate (per Second)Rate of group syncs.


Available Buffer Memory (Bytes)Total amount of buffer memory that is not being used (either unallocated or in the free list).
Average IO Wait Time (Nanoseconds)Average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes.
Average Request Latency (Nanoseconds)Average latency of requests.
Connection Close Count (Connections)Total number of connections closed.
Connection Close Rate (Connections per Second)Rate of connections closed.
Connection Count (Connections)Number of connections.
Connection Create Count (Connections)Total number of new connections established.
Connection Create Rate (Connections per Second)Rate of connections established.
HostnameHostname of the server.
Incoming Data (Bytes)Total amount of data read off all sockets.
Incoming Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Rate of data read off all sockets.
IO Time (Nanoseconds)Total time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
IO Time Ratio (%)Fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O.
IO Wait Time (Nanoseconds)Total time the I/O thread spent waiting.
IO Wait Time Ratio (%)Fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting.
Maximum Request Latency (Nanoseconds)Maximum latency of requests.
OSOperating system of the server.
Outgoing Data (Bytes)Total amount of outgoing data sent to all servers.
Outgoing Traffic Rate (Bytes per Second)Total rate of outgoing data sent to all servers.
Record Error Count (Errors)Total number of record sends that resulted in errors.
Record Error Rate (Errors per Second)Rate of record sends that resulted in errors.
Record Retry CountTotal number of retried record sends.
Record Retry Rate (per Second)Rate of retried record sends.
Record Send Count (Records)Total number of records sent.
Record Send Rate (Records per Second)Rate of records sent.
Request Count (Requests)Total number of requests sent.
Request Rate (per Second)Rate of requests sent.
Response CountTotal number of responses received.
Response Rate (per Second)Rate of responses received.
Total Buffer Memory (Bytes)Maximum amount of buffer memory the client can use (whether or not it is currently used).
Waiting Thread Count (Threads)Number of user threads blocked waiting for buffer memory to enqueue their records.