General Troubleshooting
Q: Do you support monitoring technology or version X?
A: You can find our complete list of Sources and supported versions in our BindPlane Source Documentation.
Q: How do I configure a monitoring user?
A: Least Privileged User (LPU) setup instructions are listed in the BindPlane Source Documentation, for applicable Sources, please read our documentation.
Q: How many metrics per minute does a single collector support? Do you have a collector sizing guide?
A: Approximately 75k MPM. More information is available in our documentation.
Q: I’ve successfully setup a Destination, Source, Collector, Agent. How do I find my metrics or logs?
For Google Stackdriver (Metrics)
###For Microsoft Azure (Metrics)
###For New Relic Insights (Metrics)
###For Google Stackdriver Logging
Nothing exists in our documentation currently, but we can definitely get some content around this.
Q: I am having Source ‘Test Connection’ errors / Source creation issues. What do I do now?
A: Typically, an informative error message that describes the issue is presented to the user. In the event this error message doesn’t provide enough information to solve the problem, try some of the troubleshooting steps suggested below:
Troubleshooting steps
- Verify your Least Permissioned User (‘LPU’) is configured correctly - review the LPU setup instructions for the appropriate Source page on the BindPlane Source Documentation.
- Verify your credentials are correct in the BindPlane Source configuration.
- Verify the host/port are configured correctly in the BindPlane Source configuration.
- Verify your SSL settings are configured correctly in the BindPlane Source configuration, when applicable.
- Verify the system they’re attempting to monitor can be reached over the network from the Collector host, using curl, nmap, ping or another preferred utility
- Verify the system you’re attempting to monitor has the appropriate network ports open for data collection. Refer them to the appropriate Source page in the BindPlane documentation
- Verify the system you’re attempting to monitor is a supported version.
Please see the BindPlane Source Documentation for more information.
If your system is an unsupported version, please reach out to our support team through Intercom, or at our e-mail address: [email protected]
Q: I am having Destination ‘Test Connection’ failures / Destination creation issues. What do I do now?
A: Typically, an informative error message that describes the issue is presented to the user. In the event this error message doesn’t provide enough information to solve the problem, try some of the troubleshooting steps suggested below:
Troubleshooting steps
For Google StackDriver
- For Metric Destination errors, please review the Metric Destination setup guide and verify all required setup steps have all been completed.
- For Metrics, verify the IAM created Service account has the ‘Monitoring Admin’ permission.
- For Logs Destination errors, please review the Logs Destination Setup guide and verify all required setup steps have been completed.
- For Logs, verify the IAM created Service account has the ‘Logs Writer’ permission
- Verify there are no additional characters or spaces contents of credential json file. We recommend copy/pasting the contents of this file into the credential field.
- Verify the the monitoring API enabled
- Verify the Google StackDriver cloud status is healthy
For New Relic
- For Metric Destination errors, please review the setup guide and verify that all required steps have been completed. - For Logs Destination errors, please review the setup guide and verify that all required steps have been completed.
Q: I am having Collector installation failures. What do I do now?
A: Please follow the troubleshooting steps listed below:
Troubleshooting steps
- Verify targeted collector host is running a supported Operating System. Please see the Collector documentation - Verify target Collector host has network connectivity
- After installation, verify the bindplane-collector-service is installed and running. Use the following commands for the most common Operating Systems:
- Windows: From the CMD prompt: net start “BindPlane Collector”
- CentOS 6, RHEL 6, OEL 6: service bindplane-collector status
- CentOS 7, RHEL 7, OEL 7: systemctl status bindplane-collector
- Debian, Ubuntu: systemctl status bindplane-collector
Q: I am having Logs Agent installation failures. What do I do now?
A: Please follow the troubleshooting steps listed below:
Troubleshooting steps
- Verify targeted agent host is running a supported Operating System. Please see the Log Agent documentation - When installing a log agent on Linux, verify the chosen installation user is a root user, has the ability to run sudo commands.
- For Windows, verify the chosen installation user is Administrator, with an elevated CMD prompt (‘Run as Administrator’)
- Verify target Log Agent host has network connectivity
- Verify ‘bindplane-log-agent’ and ‘bindplane-fluentd’ services exist, and are running after installation. Use the following commands to verify:
- Windows: net start “BindPlane Log Agent”, net start “BindPlane Fluentd”
- CentOS 6, RHEL 6, OEL 6: service bindplane-log-agent status, service bindplane-fluentd status
- CentOS 7, RHEL 7, OEL 7: systemctl status bindplane-log-agent, systemctl status bindplane-fluentd
- Debian, Ubuntu: systemctl status bindplane-log-agent, systemctl status bindplane-fluentd
Q: I’ve configured metric collection in BindPlane, but I’m not seeing metrics in my Destination. What do I do now?
A: Please follow the troubleshooting steps listed below:
Troubleshooting steps
- Verify a Destination, Collector, and Source have been configured. After configuration, verify each object is in a green or healthy state.
- Re-run the test connection function against the configured Destination and targeted Source, verify each test passes successfully.
- Navigate to and click the configured Destination, and verify values greater than 0 on “Metrics” and “Requests” graph are being displayed.
- Navigate to and click the configured Source and verify values greater than 0 for “Metrics” and “Collection Time” are being displayed.
Q: I’ve setup Log Streaming in BindPlane, but I’m not seeing any logs in my Destination. What do I do now?
Troubleshooting steps
- Verify a Destination, Source Configuration, and Log Agent have been configured.
- Verify Source Configuration that has been created has also been deployed to a Log Agent.
- Verify the Destination and Log Agent are in a healthy/green status; Agent is not displaying any ‘Deployment Errors’, or any other errors.
- Verify the heath of the Stackdriver monitoring API.
Q: What are the recommended collector resources to be allocated? (CPU/Memory)
A: For Collectors, refer the customer to the sizing guide here.
Q: Where the logs located for the Collector and Log Agents?
Metric Collector Logs location on host:
Default location:
For Linux: /opt/bluemedora/bindplane-collector/log
For Windows: C:\BlueMedora\bindplane-collector\log
Find logs in non-default location:
For Linux
For CentOS 6/RHEL 6/OEL 6 - use the following command:
grep BINDPLANE_HOME /etc/init.d/bindplane-collector
For CentOS 7/RHEL 7 and 8/OEL 7 - use the following command:
cd "$(find / -type d -name bindplane-collector)"
For Debian/Ubutnu - use the following command:
cd "$(find / -type d -name bindplane-collector)"
For Windows:
Search for BlueMedora in the file explorer, then navigate to the bindplane-collector
Useful logs:
: provides debug level information about a configured source, and the metrics that we’re collecting
: provide debug level information about the ‘test connection’ function for the
Log Agent Logs location on host:
Default location:
For Linux: /var/log/bindplane-log-agent
For Windows: C:\BlueMedora\bindplane-collector\log
Find Logs in non-default location:
For Linux
Regardless of agent installation location, logs will always be be located in /var/log/bindplane-log-agent
For Windows:
Search for BlueMedora in the file explorer, then navigate to the BindPlaneLogAgent directory.
Useful logs:
: provides debug level information about the health, status, and messaging/tasking handled by the agent
: provides debug level information about the fluentd
service, log streaming activity
: provides debug level information about the status of the fluentd service, as well as the bindplane-log-agent
service in Windows
Updated about 5 years ago