Amazon OpsWorks

Least Privileged User

Navigate to the AWS console and create an IAM user with programmatic access. The user will need the following permissions. You can create a policy specifically for these permissions and apply the permissions to the user.

For more information, see: High Level AWS Source Configuration

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Connection Parameters

Access Key IDRequired
Secret Access KeyRequired
Additional ThreadsThe number of additional threads allowed to be utilized during collection.
Request Timeout (seconds)The number of seconds to allow for the API to return a response.
Collect CloudWatch Metrics
CloudWatch Historic ModeIf enabled, retrieves a history of data points from CloudWatch. Otherwise, collects only the most recent data point for each metric.



Date CreatedWhen the app was created.
DescriptionA description of the app.
DomainsA list of vhost domain names seperated by commas.
IDThe Identifier for the App.
NameThe app's name.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Short NameThe app's short name.
Source PasswordThe password used to retrieve the app from its source repository.
Source RevisionThe application's version.
Source SSH KeyThe ssh key used to retrieve the app from its source repository.
Source TypeThe app's source repository type.
Source URLThe URL of the source.
Source UsernameThe username used to retrieve the app from its source repository.
SSL EnabledWhether SSL is enabled on the app.
Stack IDThe app's stack ID.
TypeThe app type.


ACK TimeThe date and time when the command was acknowledged.
Completed TimeDate when the command completed.
Created TimeDate and time when the command was run.
Deployment IDThe command deployment identifier.
Exit CodeThe command's exit code.
IDThe command's identifier.
Instance IDThe ID of the instance where the command was executed.
Log URLThe URL of the command's log.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
StatusThe command's status.
TypeThe command's type.

Configuration Management Server

ARNThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Server.
Associate Public IP AddressIf the Server has an associated public IP address.
Backup Retention CountThe number of automated backups to keep.
CloudFormation Stack ARNThe ARN of the CloudFormation stack that was used to create the Server.
Created DateThe timestamp of Server creation.
Disable Automated BackupShows if automated backups are disabled.
EndpointA DNS name that can be used to access the engine.
EngineThe engine type of the Server.
Engine ModelThe engine model of the Server.
Engine VersionThe engine version of the Server.
Instance Profile ARNThe instance profile ARN of the Server.
Instance TypeThe instance type for the Server, as specified in the CloudFormation stack. This might not be the same instance type that is shown in the EC2 console.
Key PairThe key pair associated with the Server.
Maintenance StatusThe status of the most recent Server maintenance run.
NameThe name of the Server.
Preferred Backup WindowThe preferred backup period specified for the Server.
Preferred Maintenance WindowThe preferred maintenance period specified for the Server.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Security Group IDsThe security group IDs for the Server, as specified in the CloudFormation stack. These might not be the same security groups that are shown in the EC2 console.
Service Role ARNThe service role ARN used to create the Server.
StatusThe Server's status.
Status ReasonDepending on the Server status, this field has either a human-readable message (such as a create or backup error), or an escaped block of JSON (used for health check results).
Subnet IDsThe subnet IDs for the Server.


Application IDThe ID of the app that is being deployed.
Command NameThe name of the operation.
CommentA user-defined comment.
Completed TimeDate when the deployment completed.
Created TimeDate when the deployment was created.
Custom JSONA user-defined custom JSON string.
DurationThe deployment duration.
IAM User ARNThe user's IAM ARN.
IDThe deployment's identifier.
Instance IDsA list of target instance IDs, separated by commas.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Stack IDThe stack identifier.
StatusThe deployment status.

EBS Volume

Availability ZoneThe EBS Volume Availability Zone.
DeviceThe device name for the EBS Volume.
EC2 Volume IDThe Amazon EC2 volume ID.
IDThe EBS Volume ID.
Instance IDThe instance ID.
I/O Rate (Operations per Second)For PIOPS EBS Volumes, the I/O Rate per disk.
Mount PointThe EBS Volume mount point.
NameThe EBS Volume name.
RAID Array IDRAID array ID for the EBS Volume.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Size (Bytes)The EBS Volume size.
StatusThe EBS Volume state.
TypeThe EBS Volume's type, Standard or PIOPS.

Elastic Load Balancer

Availability ZonesA list of Availability Zones.
DNS NameThe instance's public DNS name.
EC2 Instance IDsA list of the EC2 instances that the Elastic Load Balancing instance is managing traffic for.
Layer IDThe ID of the layer that the instance is attached to.
NameThe name of the load balancer.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Stack IDThe ID of the stack that the instance is associated with.
Subnet IDsA list of subnet IDs, if the stack is running in a VPC.


Active ProcessesThe number of active processes.
Agent VersionThe agent version.
AMI IDA custom AMI ID to be used to create the Instance.
ArchitectureThe Instance architecture: i386 or x86_64.
ARNThe Instance's ARN.
Autoscaling TypeFor load-based or time-based Instances, the type.
Availability ZoneThe Instance Availability Zone.
CPU Idle (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is idle.
CPU Nice (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling processes with a positive nice value, which have a lower scheduling priority.
CPU Steal (%)As AWS allocates hypervisor CPU resources among increasing numbers of instances, virtualization load rises, and can affect how often the hypervisor can perform requested work on an instance. cpu_steal measures the percentage of time that an instance is waiting for the hypervisor to allocate physical CPU resources.
CPU System (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling system operations.
CPU User (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling user operations.
CPU Wait I/O (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is waiting for input/output operations.
Created TimeThe time that the Instance was created.
EBS OptimizedWhether this is an Amazon EBS-optimized instance.
EC2 Instance IDThe ID of the associated Amazon EC2 instance.
ECS Cluster ARNFor container Instances, the Amazon ECS cluster's ARN.
ECS Container Instance ARNFor container Instances, the instance's ARN.
Elastic IP AddressThe Instance Elastic IP address.
Host NameThe Instance host name.
IDThe identifier of the instance.
Infrastructure ClassFor registered Instances, the infrastructure class: ec2 or on-premises.
Install Updates On BootWhether to install operating system and package updates when the Instance boots.
Last Service Error IDThe ID of the last service error.
Layer IDsThe Instance layer IDs.
Load Average for 15 MinutesThe load averaged over a 15-minute window.
Load Average for 1 MinuteThe load averaged over a one-minute window.
Load Average for 5 MinutesThe load averaged over a five-minute window.
Memory Buffers (Bytes)The amount of buffered memory.
Memory Cached (Bytes)The amount of cached memory.
Memory Free (Bytes)The amount of free memory.
Memory Swap (Bytes)The amount of swap space.
Memory Total (Bytes)The total amount of memory.
Memory Used (Bytes)The amount of memory in use.
O/SThe Instance's operating system.
PlatformThe Instance's platform.
Private DNSThe instance's private DNS name.
Private IP AddressThe Instance's private IP address.
Profile ARNThe ARN of the Instance's IAM profile.
Public DNSThe Instance public DNS name.
Public IP AddressThe Instance public IP address.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Registered ByFor registered Instances, who performed the registration.
Reported Agent VersionThe Instance's reported AWS OpsWorks Stacks agent version.
Reported O/SFor registered Instances, the reported operating system.
Root Device TypeThe Instance's root device type.
Root Device Volume IDThe root device volume ID.
Security Group IDsThe Instance security group IDs.
SSH Host DSA Key FingerprintThe SSH key's Deep Security Agent (DSA) fingerprint.
SSH Host RSA Key FingerprintThe SSH key's RSA fingerprint.
SSH Key NameThe Instance's Amazon EC2 key-pair name.
Stack IDThe stack ID.
StatusThe Instance status.
Subnet IDThe Instance's subnet ID; applicable only if the stack is running in a VPC.
TenancyThe Instance's tenancy option, such as dedicated or host.
TypeThe Instance type, such as t2.micro.
Virtualization TypeThe Instance's virutalization type: paravirtual or hvm.


Active ProcessesThe number of active processes.
CPU Idle (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is idle.
CPU Nice (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling processes with a positive nice value, which have a lower scheduling priority.
CPU Steal (%)As AWS allocates hypervisor CPU resources among increasing numbers of instances, virtualization load rises, and can affect how often the hypervisor can perform requested work on an instance. cpu_steal measures the percentage of time that an instance is waiting for the hypervisor to allocate physical CPU resources.
CPU System (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling system operations.
CPU User (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling user operations.
CPU Wait I/O (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is waiting for input/output operations.
IDThe identifier of the layer.
Load Average for 15 MinutesThe load averaged over a 15-minute window.
Load Average for 1 MinuteThe load averaged over a one-minute window.
Load Average for 5 MinutesThe load averaged over a five-minute window.
Memory Buffers (Bytes)The amount of buffered memory.
Memory Cached (Bytes)The amount of cached memory.
Memory Free (Bytes)The amount of free memory.
Memory Swap (Bytes)The amount of swap space.
Memory Total (Bytes)The total amount of memory.
Memory Used (Bytes)The amount of memory in use.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.

RDS Instance

AddressThe RDS Instance's address.
ARNThe RDS Instance's ARN.
Database EngineThe RDS Instance's database engine.
Database Master UserThe RDS Instance's master user name.
IDThe RDS DB Instance identifier.
Missing On RDSIf AWS OpsWorks Stacks is unable to discover the Amazon RDS Instance.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Stack IDThe ID of the stack with which the RDS Instance is registered.


Active ProcessesThe number of active processes.
Agent VersionThe agent version.
ARNThe Stack's ARN.
Berkshelf VersionThe Berkshelf version for the Chef configuration.
Chef VersionThe Chef version.
CPU Idle (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is idle.
CPU Nice (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling processes with a positive nice value, which have a lower scheduling priority.
CPU Steal (%)As AWS allocates hypervisor CPU resources among increasing numbers of instances, virtualization load rises, and can affect how often the hypervisor can perform requested work on an instance. cpu_steal measures the percentage of time that an instance is waiting for the hypervisor to allocate physical CPU resources.
CPU System (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling system operations.
CPU User (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is handling user operations.
CPU Wait I/O (%)The percentage of time that the CPU is waiting for input/output operations.
Created DateThe date when the Stack was created.
Custom Cookbooks Source RevisionThe version of the application.
Custom Cookbooks Source TypeThe repository type.
Custom Cookbooks Source URLThe source URL.
Custom Cookbooks Source UserFor Amazon S3 bundles, the IAM access key ID. For HTTP bundles, Git repositories, and Subversion repositories, the user name.
Custom JSONA JSON object that contains user-defined attributes to be added to the Stack configuration attributes.
Default Availability ZoneThe Stack's default Availability Zone.
Default Instance Profile ARNThe ARN of an IAM profile that is the default profile for all of the Stack's EC2 instances.
Default O/SThe Stack's default operating system.
Default Root Device TypeThe Stack's default root device type.
Default Subnet IDThe default subnet ID; applicable only if the Stack is running in a VPC.
Host Name ThemeThe Stack host name theme, with spaces replaced by underscores.
IDThe identifier of the stack.
Load Average for 15 MinutesThe load averaged over a 15-minute window.
Load Average for 1 MinuteThe load averaged over a one-minute window.
Load Average for 5 MinutesThe load averaged over a five-minute window.
Manage BerkshelfWhether to enabled Berkshelf for the Chef configuration.
Memory Buffers (Bytes)The amount of buffered memory.
Memory Cached (Bytes)The amount of cached memory.
Memory Free (Bytes)The amount of free memory.
Memory Swap (Bytes)The amount of swap space.
Memory Total (Bytes)The total amount of memory.
Memory Used (Bytes)The amount of memory in use.
NameThe Stack's name.
RegionThe AWS Region this object belongs to.
Service Role ARNThe Stack's AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.
SSH Key NameA default Amazon EC2 key pair for the Stack's instances.
Use Custom CookbooksWhether the Stack uses custom cookbooks.
Use OpsWorks Security GroupsWhether the Stack automatically associates the AWS OpsWorks Stacks built-in security groups with the Stack's layers.
VPC IDThe VPC ID; applicable only if the Stack is running in a VPC.