All Metrics
Name | Description |
Access Count | The Access Count of the Cache |
Desired Entry Access Rate | The Desired Entry Access Rate of the Cache |
Hit Count | The Hit Count of the Cache |
Maximum Allocated Iterations | The Maximum Allocated Iterations of the Cache |
Maximum Size (Bytes) | The Maximum Size of the Cache |
Name | The Name of the Cache |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Cache |
Size (Bytes) | The Size of the Cache |
Name | Description |
Accept Count | The Accept Count of the Connector |
Connector Port | The Port of the Connector |
Connector Protocol | The Protocol of the Connector |
Maximum Threads | The Maximum Threads of the Connector |
Minimum Spare Threads | The Min Spare Threads of the Connector |
Name | The Name of the Connector |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Connector |
Packet Size (Bytes) | The Packet Size of the Connector |
Processor Cache (Bytes) | The Processor Cache of the Connector |
Redirect Port | The Redirect Port of the Connector |
Secure | Secure |
State Name | The State Name of the Connector |
Use IP V-Host | True if using IP Virtual Hosting for the Connector |
Name | Description |
Access To Underlying Connection Allowed | The Access To Underlying Connection Allowed of the Datasource |
Closed | Closed |
Connection Properties | The Connection Properties of the Datasource |
Default Auto Commit | Default Auto Commit |
Default Catalog | The Default Catalog of the Datasource |
Default Read Only | The Default Read Only of the Datasource |
Default Transaction Isolation | The Default Transaction Isolation of the Datasource |
Driver Class Name | The Driver Class Name of the Datasource |
Maximum Idle Usage (%) | The Percent of Max Idle of the Datasource |
Initial Size (Bytes) | The Initial Size of the Datasource |
Log Abandoned | The Log Abandoned of the Datasource |
Login Timeout (Milliseconds) | The Login Timeout of the Datasource |
Maximum Idle | Maximum Idle Connections for Datasource |
Maximum Open Prepared Statements | The Maximum Open Prepared Statements for the Datasource |
Maximum Wait (Milliseconds) | The Maximum Wait of the Datasource |
Minimum Evictable Idle Time (Milliseconds) | The Minimum Evictable Idle Time of the Datasource |
Minimum Idle | Minimum Idle |
Modeler Type | Datasource Modeler Type |
Name | The Name of the Datasource |
Number Active | The Number of Active Datasource |
Number Idle | Number Of Idle Datasource Connections |
Number Tests Per Eviction Run | The Number of Tests Per Eviction Run of the Datasource |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Datasource |
Pool Prepared Statements | The Pool Prepared Statements of the Datasource |
Remove Abandoned On Borrow | Remove Abandoned On Borrow |
Remove Abandoned On Maintenance | Remove Abandoned On Maintenance |
Remove Abandoned Timeout (Milliseconds) | Timeout to Remove the Abandoned Datasource Connections |
Test On Borrow | Test On Borrow |
Test On Return | The Test On Return of the Datasource |
Test While Idle | Test While Idle |
Time Between Eviction Runs (Milliseconds) | The Time Between Eviction Runs of the Datasource |
URL | The URL of the Datasource |
Username | The Username of the Datasource |
Validation Query | Datasource Validation Query |
Validation Query Timeout (Milliseconds) | The Validation Query Timeout of the Datasource |
Garbage Collector
Name | Description |
Average Collection Time (Milliseconds) | The Average Collection Time of the Garbage Collector |
Collection Count | The Collection Count of the Garbage Collector |
Collection Time (Milliseconds) | The Collection Time of the Garbage Collector |
Is Valid | Is Valid |
Last Collection End Time (Milliseconds) | The Last Collection End Time of the Garbage Collector |
Last Collection Start Time (Milliseconds) | The Last Collection Start Time of the Garbage Collector |
Memory Pool Names | The Memory Pool Names for the Garbage Collector |
Memory Usage After Garbage Collector (Kibibytes) | The Memory Usage After Garbage Collector of the Garbage Collector |
Memory Usage Before Garbage Collector (Kibibytes) | The Memory Usage Before Garbage Collector of the Garbage Collector |
Name | The Name of the Garbage Collector |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Garbage Collector |
Total Memory Freed (Kibibytes) | The Total Memory Freed of the Garbage Collector |
Global Request Processor
Name | Description |
Data Received (Bytes) | The Bytes Received of the Global Request Processor |
Data Sent (Bytes) | The Bytes Sent of the Global Request Processor |
Error Count (Errors) | The Error Count of the Global Request Processor |
Maximum Time (Milliseconds) | The Maximum Time of the Global Request Processor |
Name | The Request Processor Name of the Global Request Processor |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Global Request Processor |
Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Processing Time of the Global Request Processor |
Request Count (Requests) | The Request Count of the Global Request Processor |
Name | Description |
JVM Committed Memory (Mebibytes) | JVM Committed Memory |
JVM Initial Memory Allocation (Mebibytes) | JVM Initial Memory Allocation |
JVM Maximum Memory (Mebibytes) | Maximum JVM Memory |
JVM Memory Usage (Mebibytes) | JVM Memory Usage |
JVM Memory Utilization (%) | JVM Memory Usage Percent |
Memory Object Pending Finalization Count | The Object Pending Finalization Count of the Memory |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Memory |
Memory Pool
Name | Description |
Committed Memory Pool (Mebibytes) | The Committed Memory Pool of the Memory Pool |
Current Memory Pool (Mebibytes) | The Current Memory Pool of the Memory Pool |
Initial Memory Pool (Mebibytes) | The Initial Memory Pool of the Memory Pool |
Maximum Memory Pool (Mebibytes) | The Maximum Memory Pool of the Memory Pool |
Name | The Name of the Memory Pool |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Memory Pool |
Type | The Type of the Memory Pool |
Operating System
Name | Description |
Architecture | The Architecture of the OS |
Available Processors | The Available Processors of the OS |
Committed Virtual Memory Size (Mebibytes) | The Committed Virtual Memory Size of the OS |
Free Physical Memory Size (Mebibytes) | The Free Physical Memory Size of the OS |
Free Swap Space Size (Mebibytes) | The Free Swap Space Size of the OS |
Name | The Name of the Operating System |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Operating System |
Physical Memory Utilization (%) | The Free Physical Memory Size of the OS |
Process CPU Time (Milliseconds) | The Process CPU Time of the OS |
Swap Space Utilization (%) | The Free Swap Space Size of the OS. |
System Load | The System Load of the OS |
Total Physical Memory Size (Mebibytes) | The Total Physical Memory Size of the OS |
Total Swap Space Size (Mebibytes) | The Total Swap Space Size of the OS |
Version | The Version of the OS |
Request Processor
Name | Description |
Data Received (Bytes) | The Amount of Data Received |
Data Sent (Bytes) | The Amount of Data Sent |
Error Count (Errors) | The Error Count of the Request Processor |
Error Rate (Errors per Second) | The Error Rate of the Request Processor |
Last Request Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Last Request Processing Time of the Request Processor |
Maximum Time (Milliseconds) | The Maximum Time of the Request Processor |
Name | The Request Processor Name |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Request Processor |
Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Processing Time of the Request Processor |
Request Count (Requests) | The Request Count of the Request Processor |
Request Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Request Processing Time of the Request Processor |
Request URI | The Request Uri of the Request Processor |
Name | Description |
Boot Class Path | The Boot Class Path of the Runtime |
Boot Class Path Supported | The Boot Class Path Supported of the Runtime |
Class Path | The Class Path of the Runtime |
Input Arguments | The Input Arguments of the Runtime |
Library Path | The Library Path of the Runtime |
Management Spec Version | The Management Spec Version of the Runtime |
Name | The Name of the Runtime |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Runtime |
Spec Name | The Spec Name of the Runtime |
Spec Vendor | The Spec Vendor of the Runtime |
Spec Version | The Spec Version of the Runtime |
Start Time (Milliseconds) | The Start Time of the Runtime |
Uptime (Milliseconds) | The Up Time of the Runtime |
Virtual Machine Name | The Virtual Machine Name of the Runtime |
Virtual Machine Vendor | The Virtual Machine Vendor of the Runtime |
Virtual Machine Version | The Virtual Machine Version of the Runtime |
Name | Description |
Name | The Name of the Server |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Server |
Server Address | The Address of the Server |
Server Build | The Server Build of the Server |
Server Information | Server Information |
Server Modeler Type | The Modeler Type of the Server |
Server Number | The Server Number of the Server |
Server Port | The Port of the Server |
Server Service Names | The Service Names of the Server |
Server Shutdown | The Shutdown of the Server |
Server State Name | Server State Name |
Name | Description |
Application Server | Application Server |
Available | Available Servlets |
Class Load Time (Milliseconds) | The Class Load Time of the Servlet |
Error Count (Errors) | The Error Count of the Servlet |
Load Time (Milliseconds) | The Load Time of the Servlet |
Maximum Time (Milliseconds) | The Maximum Time of the Servlet |
Name | The Name of the Servlet |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Servlet |
Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Processing Time of the Servlet |
Request Count (Requests) | The Request Count of the Servlet |
URL | The URL of the Servlet |
Web Module | The Web Module of the Servlet |
Session Manager
Name | Description |
Active Sessions (Sessions) | The Active Sessions of the Session Manager |
Duplicates | The Duplicates of the Session Manager |
Expired Sessions (Sessions) | The Expired Sessions of the Session Manager |
Maximum Active (Sessions) | The Maximum Active Sessions of the Session Manager |
Maximum Interactive Interval | The Maximum Interactive Interval of the Session Manager |
Name | The Name of the Session Manager |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Session Manager |
Process Expires Frequency | The Process Expires Frequency of the Session Manager |
Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Processing Time of the Session Manager |
Rejected Sessions (Sessions) | The Rejected Sessions of the Session Manager |
Rejected Sessions Ratio (%) | The percentage of Rejected Sessions of the Session Manager |
Session Counter (Sessions) | Session Count |
Session Usage (%) | The Session Usage of the Session Manager |
State Name | The State Name of the Session Manager |
String Cache
Name | Description |
Access Count (Calls) | The Access Count of the String Cache |
Byte Chunk Enabled | Byte Chunk Enabled for the String Cache |
Cache Size (Bytes) | The Cache Size of the String Cache |
Character Chunk Enabled | Character Chunk Enabled for the String Cache |
Hit Count | The Hit Count of the String Cache |
Modeler Type | The Modeler Type of the String Cache |
Name | The Name of the String Cache |
Object Name | The Object Name of the String Cache |
Train Threshold | The Train Threshold of the String Cache |
Thread Pool
Name | Description |
Acceptor Thread Count | The Thread Pool Acceptor Thread Count |
Backlog | The Thread Pool Backlog Count |
Current Thread Count | The Thread Pool Current Thread Count of the Thread Pool |
Current Threads Busy | Current Busy Threads of the Thread Pool |
Daemon | The Daemon of the Thread Pool |
Maximum Head Count | The Maximum Head Count of the Thread Pool |
Maximum Threads | The Thread Pool Maximum Thread count |
Modeler Type | The Modeler Type of the Thread Pool |
Name | The Name of the Thread Pool |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Thread Pool |
Paused | Thread Pool is Paused |
Port | The Port of the Thread Pool |
Running | Thread Pool is Running |
TCP No Delay | TCP No Delay |
Thread Priority | The Thread Pool Thread Priority |
Name | Description |
Current Thread CPU Time (Milliseconds) | Current Thread CPU Time |
Current Thread User Time (Milliseconds) | Current Thread User Time |
Daemon Thread Count | Daemon Thread Count |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Threading |
Peak Thread Count | Peak Thread Count of the Threading |
Thread Count | Thread Count |
Total Started Thread Count | Total Threads Started |
Web Module
Name | Description |
Caching Allowed | The Caching Allowed of the Web Module |
Configuration File | The Configfile of the Web Module |
Cookies | The Cookies of the Web Module |
Document Base | The Document Base of the Web Module |
Java Virtual Machines | The Java Vms of the Web Module |
Name | The Name of the Web Module |
Object Name | The Object Name of the Web Module |
Path | The Path of the Web Module |
Privileged | Allow this context to use container servlets |
Processing Time (Milliseconds) | The Processing Time of the Web Module |
Request Count (Requests) | The Request Count of the Web Module |
Servlets | The Servlets of the Web Module |
Start Time (Milliseconds) | The Start Time of the Web Module |
Startup Time (Milliseconds) | The Startup Time of the Web Module |
State Name | The State Name of the Web Module |
TLD Scan Time (Milliseconds) | The TLD Scan Time of the Web Module |
Working Directory | The Working directory of the Web Module |
Updated over 4 years ago