Setup Requirements

Data Collection Setup

Metrics are collected via the JMX interface on the Kafka Broker server.

Network Requirements

Port: 9999 (TCP) connection to the Apache Kafka Broker server.

Least Privileged User

If authentication is setup on the Kalfka Broker server, then use a Kafka user.
For more information see: Security in the Apache Kafka Documentation

Supported Versions

Apache Kafka: 1.0.0 - 2.0.10+

Connection Parameters

BrokersRequiredComma-separated list of one or more brokers to connect to.
PortThe port for communication to the Apache Kafka platform.
ProducersComma-separated list of one or more producers to connect to.
ConsumersComma-separated list of one or more consumers to connect to.
SSL ConfigurationThe SSL mode to use when connecting to the target. Can be configured to not use SSL (No SSL), use SSL but do not verify the target's certificate (No Verify), and use SSL and verify the target's certificate (Verify).
Connection Timeout (seconds)The number of seconds to allow for connecting to the Apache Kafka platform.
Request Timeout (seconds)The number of seconds to allow for the API to return a response.