The BindPlane API allows you manage your BindPlane environment programmatically. Designed with scaled environments in-mind, the API provides a method to manage a large number of Sources, Credentials, Collectors and Jobs.



You need an API Key to make secure requests to the BindPlane API.

Each API Key is associated with a BindPlane account and will have the same permissions as the account that generated it.

Click here to go to your Profile in BindPlane to get your API Key.

Adding a Source to BindPlane

To create a new source, first determine the source_type of the source you would like to create:

Once you know the source_type, you can get more details about the credentials and connection parameters required to create a source of that type:

If the source_type requires credentials, you can get more details about the credential_type including existing credentials of that type:

You can also generate a template for the credential_type:

Fill in that template and use it to create a new credential:

Find the collector you want to use:

Once you have the IDs of the credentials and collector you need, generate a template for the source_type:

Fill in that template and use it to create a new source:

This starts a job to create the new source, which you can check using: