Google Cloud Monitoring Metrics

Metric Type
Display Name
Kind, Type, Unit Description


Metric prefixes

All metrics listed below are prefixed with except for the metrics that are also listed in the associated Stackdriver Agent Migration page. If the collector is installed on the Elasticsearch host system, the metrics listed there will be prefixed with

Google Cloud Monitoring Metrics
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aNumber of shards.
shard_type: Type of shard (active, active_primary, initializing, relocating, unassigned).
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Data nodes
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aNumber of data nodes in the cluster.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Failed Nodes
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of nodes that failed to be created in the cluster.
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aNumber of nodes in the cluster.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Successful Nodes
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of nodes successfully created in the cluster.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of shards in the index.
type: Type of shard (primary, replica).
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aNumber of open threads in the server JVM process.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Field evictions
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aEvictions from field cache.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Filter evictions
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aEvictions from filter cache.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Request Cache Evictions
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aNumber of evictions from request cache.
Cache Hits
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache hits.
type: Type of cache (query, request).
Cache Misses
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache misses.
type: Type of cache (query, request).
Circuit Breaker Estimated Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe estimated size of the circuit breaker.
type: Type of circuit breaker (field data, in-flight request, parent, request).
Circuit Breaker Tripped
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of times the circuit breaker has tripped.
type: Type of circuit breaker (field data, in-flight request, parent, request).
CPU Utilization
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %The node's CPU utilization.
Current Document Merges
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of documents across segments currently being merged.
Current Merge Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of currently active segment merges.
Current Merge Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the segments currently being merged.
Disk Size Available
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe amount of data available to this Java virtual machine on this file store.
Disk Size Free
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe amount of unallocated data in the file store.
Disk I/O Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations on the file store.
operation: Type of operation (read, write).
Disk I/O Size
CUMULATIVE, INT64, kByThe amount of data read/written from/to the file store.
operation: Type of operation (read, write).
Disk I/O Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total I/O operations on the file store.
Disk Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the file store.
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aNumber of documents in the indexes on this node.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
document_type: Document count type.
Failed Index Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsThe number of failed indexing operations.
Flush Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent in flush.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsThe number of flushes.
GC count
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aGarbage collection count.
type: Type of garbage collection (young, old).
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Garbage Collection Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent in garbage collections in the JVM.
type: Type of garbage collection (young, old).
Indexing Throttle Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time indexing waited due to throttling.
Cache size
GAUGE, DOUBLE, BySize in bytes of the caches.
cache_name: Type of cache (field, query, request).
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Memory usage
GAUGE, DOUBLE, BySize in bytes of memory.
memory_type: The memory type.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Heap Memory Utilization
GAUGE, INT64, %The amount of memory utilization by the JVM heap.
Segments Memory
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by segments.
used_by: Used by
Total Segments Memory Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by segments.
Memory Used
GAUGE, DOUBLE, ByThe amount of memory used on the node.
Memory Utilization
GAUGE, DOUBLE, %The node's memory utilization.
Open connections
GAUGE, DOUBLE, ConnectionsNumber of open network connections to the server.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Network traffic
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ByNumber of bytes transmitted and received on the network.
direction: Direction of traffic (rx, tx).
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Open connections
GAUGE, DOUBLE, ConnectionsNumber of open HTTP connections to this node.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Opened HTTP Connections
CUMULATIVE, INT64, ConnectionsThe number of opened HTTP connections.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, PacketsThe number of packets in cluster communication.
direction: Type of traffic (received, sent).
Open files
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aNumber of open file descriptors held by the server process.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Completed operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsNumber of operations completed.
operation: Type of operation
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Operation time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msTime in ms spent on operations.
operation: Type of operation
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Max threads
GAUGE, DOUBLE, n/aMaximum number of open threads that have been open concurrently in the server JVM process.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Refresh Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent on index refreshes.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of index refreshes.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of segments.
Storage size
GAUGE, DOUBLE, BySize in bytes of the document storage on this node.
server_name: The elasticsearch server name.
Total Document Merges
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of documents across all merged segments.
Total Merge Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of segment merges.
Total Merge Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe total size of all merged segments.
Total Merge Operations Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe total time spent on segment merging.
Transaction Log Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations in the transaction log.
Transaction Log Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the transaction log.
Transaction Log Uncommitted Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations not committed to the transaction log.
Transaction Log Uncommitted Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the operations not committed transaction log.
Current Operations
GAUGE, INT64, OperationsNumber of current operations.
operation: Type of operation
Cache Evictions
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache evictions.
type: Type of cache (field, query, request).
Cache Hits
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache hits.
type: Type of cache (query, request).
Cache Misses
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache misses.
type: Type of cache (query, request).
Current Operations
GAUGE, INT64, OperationsNumber of current operations.
operation: Type of operation
Current Document Merges
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of documents across segments currently being merged.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of documents in the indexes on this node.
document_type: Document count type.
Current Merge Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of currently active segment merges.
Current Merge Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the segments currently being merged.
Failed Index Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsThe number of failed indexing operations.
Flush Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent in flush.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsThe number of flushes.
Indexing Throttle Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time indexing waited due to throttling.
Cache size
GAUGE, INT64, BySize in bytes of the caches.
cache_name: Name of cache (field, query, request).
Segments Memory
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by segments.
used_by: Used by
Total Segments Memory Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by segments.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsNumber of operations completed.
operation: Type of operation
Operations Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msTime spent during operations.
operation: Type of operation
Refresh Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent on index refreshes.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of index refreshes.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of segments.
Store Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe store size of the index or aggregation.
Total Document Merges
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of documents across all merged segments.
Total Merge Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of segment merges.
Total Merge Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe total size of all merged segments.
Total Merge Operations Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe total time spent on segment merging.
Transaction Log Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations in the transaction log.
Transaction Log Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the transaction log.
Transaction Log Uncommitted Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations not committed to the transaction log.
Transaction Log Uncommitted Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the operations not committed transaction log.
GAUGE, INT64, ThreadsHow many threads are actively processing some work.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of tasks completed.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of tasks in the queue.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of tasks rejected by the thread pool executor.
Cache Evictions
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache evictions.
type: Type of cache (field, query, request).
Cache Hits
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache hits.
type: Type of cache (query, request).
Cache Misses
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of cache misses.
type: Type of cache (query, request).
Current Operations
GAUGE, INT64, OperationsNumber of current operations.
operation: Type of operation
Current Document Merges
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of documents across segments currently being merged.
Current Merge Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of currently active segment merges.
Current Merge Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the segments currently being merged.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aNumber of documents in the indexes on this node.
document_type: Document count type.
Failed Index Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsThe number of failed indexing operations.
Flush Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent in flush.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsThe number of flushes.
Indexing Throttle Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time indexing waited due to throttling.
Cache Memory Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe memory used by the cache.
type: Type of cache (field, query, request).
Segments Memory
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by segments.
used_by: Used by
Total Segments Memory Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByMemory used by segments.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, OperationsNumber of operations completed.
operation: Type of operation
Operations Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msTime spent during operations.
operation: Type of operation
Refresh Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe time spent on index refreshes.
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe number of index refreshes.
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of segments.
Store Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe store size of the index or aggregation.
Total Document Merges
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of documents across all merged segments.
Total Merge Operations
CUMULATIVE, INT64, n/aThe total number of segment merges.
Total Merge Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe total size of all merged segments.
Total Merge Operations Time
CUMULATIVE, INT64, msThe total time spent on segment merging.
Transaction Log Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations in the transaction log.
Transaction Log Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the transaction log.
Transaction Log Uncommitted Operations
GAUGE, INT64, n/aThe number of operations not committed to the transaction log.
Transaction Log Uncommitted Operations Size
GAUGE, INT64, ByThe size of the operations not committed transaction log.