All Metrics



Activity CountTotal number of read, write, gossip, and compaction tasks
HostThe host used to first connect to the cluster
Node CountNode Count


Keyspace NameThe name of the keyspace


Active Anti Entropy Stage TasksActive tasks for repairing consistency
Active Cache CleanupsActive tasks to clear the cache
Active Compaction Executor Tasks
Active Counter Mutation Stage Tasks
Active Gossip Stage TasksActive tasks sharing knowledge of node state
Active Internal Response Stage TasksActive tasks responding to non-client initiated messages, including bootstrapping and schema checking
Active Memtable Flush Writer TasksActive writes of memtable contents to disk
Active Memtable Post Flush TasksActive post flush operations, like discarding commit log files and flushing secondary indexes
Active Memtable Reclaim Memory Tasks (Seconds)Active tasks to make unused memory available
Active Migration Stage TasksActive changes to the schema
Active Misc Stage TasksActive miscellaneous operations, including snapshotting or replicating data after a node has been removed
Active Mutation Stage TasksActive local writes
Active Native Transport RequestsActive requests to the server using the CQL Native Protocol
Active Pending Range Calculator TasksActive calculations of pending rangers per bootstraps and departed nodes
Active Read Repair Stage TasksActive check for and repair of damaged replicas
Active Read Stage TasksActive local reads
Active Request Response Stage TasksActive tasks to handle responses from other nodes
Active Validation Executor TasksActive schema validations
Active View Mutation Stage TasksActive mutations applied to a view after modifications to a base table
Available ProcessorsNumber of available processors
Batch Size Failure Threshold (Kibibytes)The maximum size a batch may yield before aborting
CAS Contention Timeout (Milliseconds)Amount of time to wait for contention resolution for lightweight transactions
CAS Read Condition Not MetNumber of transaction preconditions that did not match current values during read
CAS Read ContentionNumber of lightweight transaction reads that were contended
CAS Read FailuresLightweight transaction reads that failed
CAS Read Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Read events
CAS Read Latency Event Count (Microseconds)
CAS Read TimeoutsNumber of lightweight transaction reads that timed out
CAS Read Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Read events since process start
CAS Read UnavailablesNumber of lightweight transaction reads that failed because too many replicas were unavailable
CAS Read Unfinished CommitNumber of lightweight transactions that were committed on read
CAS Write Condition Not MetNumber of lightweight transaction writes where preconditions did not match current values
CAS Write ContentionNumber of lightweight transaction writes that were contended
CAS Write FailuresNumber of lightweight transaction writes that failed
CAS Write Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Write events
CAS Write Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Write events since process start
CAS Write TimeoutsNumber of lightweight transaction writes that timed out
CAS Write Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Write events since process start
CAS Write UnavailablesNumber of lightweight transaction writes that failed because too many nodes were unavailable
CAS Write Unfinished CommitNumber of transactions that were committed on write
Chunk Cache Capacity (Bytes)
Chunk Cache EntriesTotal number of chunk cache entries
Chunk Cache MissesTotal number of chunk cache misses
Chunk Cache RequestsTotal number of chunk cache requests
Chunk Cache Size (Bytes)Total size of occupied chunk cache
Committed Heap Memory (Bytes)Amount of heap memory committed for the JVM
Committed Non-Heap Memory (Bytes)Amount of non-heap memory committed for the JVM
Committed Virtual Memory Size (Bytes)
Compaction Throughput (Mebibytes per Second)Throttles compaction to the specified total throughput across the node
Completed Anti Entropy Stage TasksCompleted tasks for repairing consistency
Completed Cache CleanupsNumber of times the cache has been cleared
Completed Compaction Executor Tasks
Completed Counter Mutation Stage TasksCompleted local counter changes
Completed Gossip Stage TasksCompleted tasks sharing knowledge of node state
Completed Internal Response Stage TasksCompleted tasks responding to non-client initiated messages, including bootstrapping and schema checking
Completed Memtable Flush Writer TasksCompleted writes of memtable contents to disk
Completed Memtable Post Flush TasksCompleted post flush operations, like discarding commit log files and flushing secondary indexes
Completed Memtable Reclaim Memory TasksCompleted tasks to make unused memory available
Completed Migration Stage TasksCompleted changes to the schema
Completed Misc Stage TasksCompleted miscellaneous operations, including snapshotting or replicating data after a node has been removed
Completed Mutation Stage TasksCompleted local writes
Completed Native Transport RequestsCompleted requests to the server using the CQL Native Protocol
Completed Pending Range Calculator TasksCompleted calculations of pending rangers per bootstraps and departed nodes
Completed Read Repair Stage TasksCompleted check for and repair of damaged replicas
Completed Read Stage Tasks
Completed Request Response Stage TasksCompleted tasks to handle responses from other nodes
Completed Validation Executor TasksCompleted schema validations
Completed View Mutation Stage TasksCompleted mutations applied to a view after modifications to a base table
Concurrent Mark Sweep Collection CountNumber of times the old generation has been garbage collected
Concurrent Mark Sweep Collection Time (Milliseconds)Elapsed time garbage collecting the old generation, or relatively long-lived objects
Counter Cache Capacity
Counter Cache Entries
Counter Cache Hits
Counter Cache Keys to SaveNumber of keys that should be saved to disk to quickly warm the counter cache on startup
Counter Cache Requests
Counter Cache Save Period (Seconds)How often to save counter caches to disk
Counter Cache Size (Bytes)Total size of occupied counter cache
Counter Write RPC Timeout (Milliseconds)Timeout for counter updates
Current Generation NumberA value that changes every time the node restarts, faccilitating coordination of data throughout the cluster
Daemon ThreadsCurrent number of live daemon threads
Drain ProgressProgress of drain operations
Free Physical Memory Size (Bytes)Amount of free memory available to the operating system
Free Swap Space Size (Bytes)Amount of free swap space
Gossip RunningWhether gossip is running
Hinted Handoff EnabledA hint indicates that a write needs to be replayed to an unavailable node
Incremental Backups EnabledBacks up data updated since the last snapshot was taken
Index Info CountNumber of on-heap index entries
Index Info GetsNumber of index seeks
Indexed Entry Size (Bytes)On-heap index size
Initial Heap Memory (Bytes)Amount of heap memory that the JVM initially requests from the operating system
Initial Non-Heap Memory (Bytes)Amount of non-heap memory that the JVM initially requests from the operating system
InitializedWhether the node is successfully initialized
Inter DC Stream Throughput (Megabits per Second)Throttles all streaming file transfer between the datacenters
Internal IP AddressThe IP used for communication within the Cassandra cluster
Java VersionJava Version
JoinedWhether or not the node has joined the cluster
JVM ImplementationJVM implementation name
Key Cache Capacity (Bytes)Key cache capacity in bytes
Key Cache EntriesTotal number of key cache entries
Key Cache HitsTotal number of key cache hits
Key Cache Keys to SaveNumber of keys that should be saved to disk to quickly warm the key cache on startup
Key Cache RequestsTotal number of key cache requests
Key Cache Save Period (Seconds)How often to save key caches to disk
Key Cache Size (Bytes)Total size of occupied key cache
Load StringHuman-readable load value
Maximum File DescriptorsMaximum number of open file descriptors allowed by the operating system
Maximum Heap Memory (Bytes)Maximum amount of heap memory that could be committed for the JVM
Maximum Hint Window (Milliseconds)Maximum amount of time that hints are generated for an unresponsive node
Maximum Non-Heap Memory (Bytes)Maximum amount of non-heap memory that could be committed for the JVM
Native Transport Maximum Concurrent ConnectionsMaximum number of concurrent client connections
Native Transport RunningWhether or not the native protocol server is running
Objects Pending FinalizationNumber of objects queued for finalization, where their memory usage will be reclaimed
Open File DescriptorsCurrent number of open file descriptors
Operating SystemName of the operating system
Operating System ArchitectureHardware architecture
Operating System VersionVersion of the operating system
Operation ModeOperational mode (leaving, joining, normal, decommissioned, client)
ParNew (Stop the World) Collection CountNumber of times the new generation has been garbage collected
ParNew (Stop the World) Collection Time (Milliseconds)Elapsed time garbage collecting the new generation, or relatively short-lived objects
Pending Anti Entropy Stage TasksPending tasks for repairing consistency
Pending Cache CleanupsPending tasks to clear the cache
Pending Compaction Executor TasksPending compactions
Pending Counter Mutation Stage TasksPending local counter changes
Pending Gossip Stage TasksPending tasks sharing knowledge of node state
Pending Internal Response Stage TasksPending tasks responding to non-client initiated messages, including bootstrapping and schema checking
Pending Memtable Flush Writer TasksPending writes of memtable contents to disk
Pending Memtable Post Flush TasksPending post flush operations, like discarding commit log files and flushing secondary indexes
Pending Memtable Reclaim Memory TasksPending tasks to make unused memory available
Pending Migration Stage TasksPending changes to the schema
Pending Misc Stage TasksPending miscellaneous operations, including snapshotting or replicating data after a node has been removed
Pending Mutation Stage TasksPending local writes
Pending Native Transport RequestsQueued requests to the server using the CQL Native Protocol
Pending Pending Range Calculator TasksPending calculations of pending rangers per bootstraps and departed nodes
Pending Read Repair Stage TasksPending check for and repair of damaged replicas
Pending Read Stage TasksPending local reads
Pending Request Response Stage TasksPending tasks to handle responses from other nodes
Pending Validation Executor TasksPending schema validations
Pending View Mutation Stage TasksPending mutations applied to a view after modifications to a base table
Prepared StatementsNumber of prepared statements
Prepared Statements EvictedNumber of prepared statements that have been evicted to save space for other prepared statements
Prepared Statements ExecutedNumber of prepared statements executed
Process CPU LoadProcess CPU Load
Process CPU Time (Nanoseconds)Amount of time used by the process
Range RPC Timeout (Milliseconds)Timeout for range requests, which may take longer
Range Slice FailuresNumber of token range read requests that failed
Range Slice Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Range Slice events
Range Slice Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Range Slice events since process start
Range Slice TimeoutsNumber of token range read requests that timed out
Range Slice Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Range Slice events since process start
Range Slice UnavailablesNumber of token range read requests that failed because too many nodes were unavailable
Read FailuresReads that failed
Read Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Read events
Read Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Read events since process start
Read RPC Timeout (Milliseconds)Timeout for reads
Read TimeoutsReads that timed out
Read Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Read events since process start
Read UnavailablesReads that failed because too many nodes were unavailable
Regular Statements ExecutedNumber of regular (non-prepared) statements executed
Release VersionVersion of Cassandra
Removal StatusStatus of token removals
Row Cache Capacity (Bytes)Row cache capacity
Row Cache EntriesTotal number of row cache entries
Row Cache HitsTotal number of row cache hits
Row Cache Keys to SaveNumber of keys that should be saved to disk to quickly warm the row cache on startup
Row Cache RequestsTotal number of row cache requests
Row Cache Save Period (Seconds)How often to save row caches to disk
Row Cache Size (Bytes)Total size of occupied row cache
RPC Server RunningWhether or not the Thrift (RPC) server is running
RPC Timeout (Milliseconds)Overall timeout for all requests
Schema VersionIdentifier for the current version of the schema, for comparison purposes
Started ThreadsTotal number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started
StartingWhether the node is starting
Storage ExceptionsNumber of internal exceptions caught
Storage Load (Bytes)Size of the on disk data size this node manages
Storage Total HintsNumber of hint messages written to this node since restart
Stream Throughput (Megabits per Second)Throttles all outbound streaming file transfers on a node to the specified throughput
Streaming Socket Timeout (Milliseconds)How long to wait before timing out a stream and retrying it from the start of the current file
System CPU LoadSystem CPU Load
System Load AverageSystem load average
ThreadsCurrent number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads
Tombstone Failure ThresholdThe maximum number of tombstones a query can scan before aborting
Tombstone Warn ThresholdThe maximum number of tombstones a query can scan before warning
Total Hints in ProgressNumber of hints attemping to be sent currently
Total Physical Memory Size (Bytes)Amount of memory available to the operating system
Total Swap Space Size (Bytes)Amount of swap space allocated
Truncate RPC Timeout (Milliseconds)Timeout for truncate requests, which generally take longer than other requests because of flushing requirements
Uptime (Milliseconds)Time since Cassandra last started
Used Heap Memory (Bytes)Amount of heap memory in use
Used Non-Heap Memory (Bytes)Amount of non-heap memory in use
View Pending MutationsView mutations that have been attempted but have not yet succeeded
View Replicas AttemptedNumber of attempted view replications
View Replicas SucceededNumber of successful view replications
View Write FailuresView writes that failed
View Write Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of View Write events
View Write Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of View Write events since process start
View Write TimeoutsTimeouts when writing to materialized views
View Write Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in View Write events since process start
View Write UnavailablesView writes that failed because too many replicas were unavailable
Virtual Machine VersionJVM Implementation Version
Write FailuresWrites that have failed
Write Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Write events
Write Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Write events since process start
Write RPC Timeout (Milliseconds)Timeout for writes
Write TimeoutsWrites that have timed out
Write Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Write events since process start
Write UnavailablesWrites that failed because too many replicas were unavailable

Node Keyspace

All Memtables Live Data Size (Bytes)amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included), excluding any data structure overhead
All Memtables Off Heap Data Size (Bytes)Amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap
All Memtables On Heap Data Size (Bytes)Amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides on-heap
Bloom Filter Disk Space Used (Bytes)Disk space used by bloom filter
Bloom Filter Off Heap Memory Used (Bytes)Amount of off heap memory used for Bloom filters for this table
CAS Commit Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Commit events
CAS Commit Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Commit events since process start
CAS Commit Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Commit events since process start
CAS Prepare Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Prepare events
CAS Prepare Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Prepare events since process start
CAS Prepare Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Prepare events since process start
CAS Propose Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Propose events
CAS Propose Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Propose events since process start
CAS Propose Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Propose events since process start
Compression Metadata Off Heap Memory Used (Bytes)The amount of off heap memory used for compression offset maps for this keyspace
Index Summary Off Heap Memory Used (Bytes)Amount of off heap memory used for index summaries for this keyspace
Internal IP AddressThe IP used for communication within the Cassandra cluster
Keyspace NameName of the keyspace
Live Disk Space Used (Bytes)Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this keyspace
Live ScannedLive cells scanned in queries on this keyspace
Memtable Columns CountNumber of columns present in the memtable
Memtable Live Data Size (Bytes)Amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead
Memtable Off Heap Data Size (Bytes)Amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten
Memtable On Heap Data Size (Bytes)Amount of data stored in memtables that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten
Memtable Switch CountNumber of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out
Pending CompactionsNumber of pending compactions for this keyspace
Pending FlushesNumber of flush tasks pending for this keyspace
Range Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Range events
Range Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Range events since process start
Range Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Range events since process start
Read Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Read events
Read Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Read events since process start
Read Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Read events since process start
SSTables Per ReadNumber of sstable data files accessed per read
Tombstone ScannedTombstones scanned in queries on this Keyspace
Total Disk Space Used (Bytes)Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this keyspace including obsolete ones waiting to be garbage collected
Write Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Write events
Write Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Write events since process start
Write Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Write events since process start

Node Table

All Memtables Heap Size (Bytes)Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides on-heap
All Memtables Live Data Size (Bytes)Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead
All Memtables Off Heap Size (Bytes)Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap
Auto Compaction DisabledWhether or not automatic compaction has been disabled
Bloom Filter Disk Space Used (Bytes)Disk space used by bloom filter
Bloom Filter False Positive RatioFalse positive ratio of bloom filter
Bloom Filter False PositivesNumber of false positives in bloom filter
Bloom Filter Off Heap Memory Used (Bytes)Off heap memory used by bloom filter
CAS Commit Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Commit events
CAS Commit Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Commit events since process start
CAS Commit Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Commit events since process start
CAS Prepare Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Prepare events
CAS Prepare Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Prepare events since process start
CAS Prepare Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Prepare events since process start
CAS Propose Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of CAS Propose events
CAS Propose Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of CAS Propose events since process start
CAS Propose Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in CAS Propose events since process start
Compaction Data Written (Bytes)Compaction Data Written
Compression Metadata Off Heap Memory Used (Bytes)Off heap memory used by compression meta data
Compression RatioCurrent compression ratio for all SSTables
CRC Check ChanceDefines the probability with which checksums are checked during read to ensure compressed data has not suffered bitrot or corruption
Data Flushed (Bytes)Data Flushed
Droppable Tombstone RatioRatio of tombstones that can safely be dropped
Estimated Partition CountEstimated Partition Count
Index Summary Off Heap Memory Used (Bytes)Off heap memory used by index summary
Internal IP AddressThe IP used for communication within the Cassandra cluster
Key Cache Hit Rate (per Second)Key Cache Hit Rate
Keyspace NameName of the keyspace
Live Disk Space Used (Bytes)Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this column family
Live ScannedLive cells scanned in queries
Live SSTable CountLive SSTable Count
Maximum Compaction ThresholdMaximum number of SSTables to allow in a minor compaction when using SizeTieredCompactionStrategy or DateTieredCompactionStrategy
Maximum Partition Size (Bytes)Maximum Partition Size
Mean Partition Size (Bytes)Mean Partition Size
Memtable Columns CountMemtable Columns Count
Memtable Live Data Size (Bytes)Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead
Memtable Off Heap Size (Bytes)Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and overwritten rows
Memtable On Heap Size (Bytes)Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and overwritten rows
Memtable Switch CountNumber of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out
Minimum Compaction ThresholdMinimum number of SSTables to trigger a minor compaction when using SizeTieredCompactionStrategy or DateTieredCompactionStrategy
Minimum Partition Size (Bytes)Minimum Partition Size
Pending CompactionsEstimate of number of pending compactions
Range Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Range events
Range Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Range events since process start
Range Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Range events since process start
Read Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Read events
Read Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Read events since process start
Read Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Read events since process start
Row Cache HitNumber of row cache hits
Row Cache Hit Out Of RangeRow cache hits, but result out of range
Row Cache MissNumber of row cache misses
Speculative RetriesSpeculative Retries
Table NameName of the table
Tombstones ScannedTombstones scanned in queries
Total Disk Space Used (Bytes)Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this CF, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd
Unleveled SSTablesUnleveled SSTables
Write Latency (Microseconds)Average duration of Write events
Write Latency Event Count (Microseconds)Number of Write events since process start
Write Total Latency (Microseconds)Time spent in Write events since process start


Keyspace NameThe name of the table's keyspace
Table NameThe name of the table